Thursday, February 18, 2016

Which Came First?

by Irene Daniel

Which came first?

Union corruption or corporate greed?

Civil Rights or segregation?

Black Power or White supremacy?

Revolution or exploitation?

Male dominance or suffragette?

War or peace?

Do we remember?

Or do we conveniently forget?

                                                                     Copyright 2016, Irene Daniel, all rights reserved.


  1. Humankind's depravities have been well documented since the beginning of recorded human history. It is inherent in the human beast to seek to satisfy one's own needs and desires. The needs/desires of fellow human beings barely registers on these self-centered people...if at all.

  2. Well, we have to be able to see past ourselves in order to understand the whole. In so doing we gain a higher vantage point that changes the way we perceive. I realize that most people don't think about things like this. That's why we're writers. I would be so lonely in this world without other writers.
