Wednesday, December 10, 2014

My Christmas Gratitude List

by Irene Daniel

I anticipate being unavailable all day tomorrow, so rather than post a day late, I decided to post a day early this week. And I decided to publish a list of things for which I am the most grateful this Christmas season of 2014. It's harder for me to get myself into trouble when I am truly grateful.

So, here goes:

1.   My one and only child, Daniel James Boise, who brings the greatest light to my heart;

2.   My one and only grandson, Brody Atticus Boise, who is a genius; I just know it;

3.   The fact that I get to spend this Christmas with my son and grandson in Fort Smith, AK;

4.   Mahatma Magellan, the Magnificent, aka Maggie, my beautiful and loyal black Labrador;

5.   Milagro, the Smokey Cat! My new little gray kitten who was rescued by my neighbor, Olga;

6.   My neighbor, Olga Cathemer, who has been a friend of our family for over 50 years;

7.   All my neighbors, in my new place of residence, my hometown of Florence, AZ;

8.   All of the opportunities I have had in my life thanks to my US citizenship;

9.   My family, those who are gone and those still around;

10. My home, our Daniel family homestead;

11. My memories, and all who visit me there;

12. And you, my readers and friends who support me and sometimes fight with me.

So, what about you? Are there a dozen things that you're grateful for today? I'm sure you can find something, even as the business of the season can make us all crazy.

Always remember to enjoy yourself! Give and receive love every day!

Until next week, id

                                                                                Irene Daniel, Copyright 2014, All rights reserved

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