Thursday, October 10, 2013

I Fell

I fell into a great waterfall

I tumbled and I screamed

And I gasped for air

Grasping at the falling water

Trying to prevent the smacking crash

Into the river below


When shocked by grace

The water cradled me somehow

And the stinging entry

Did not overwhelm


But I am still falling, falling

Deeper and deeper into darkness

I cannot find the sky


I come up for air

With open mouth and hungry heart

And I am thrust back down again

Bubbles and ripples and currents command


I toss and flail about

Reaching, reaching, reaching

I know not for what

Scrambling, searching, struggling

Darkness all around


And then, as if by magic

As though from hands unseen

My body is lifted to the surface

And I am no longer frightened



  1. How in the world did I find this post? I sure as heck wasnt looking for poetry. No matter, the words speak directly to me. I recognize every phrase as a mile marker I glimpsed while in one of my slides. Did the unseen magic hands deliver you from peril or just school you on living with it? This is always my dilemma.
    Enjoyed it!

    1. I am so glad that you enjoyed my rambling desperation. Unseen hands have delivered me so many times that I have come to rely upon them. And they always deliver. It is pretty intense, as I reread it after many months. It's just the truth, you know. That's all good writing is.

      Thanks so much, Matt. Keep in touch. id
