Thursday, June 26, 2014

The id Post: Our Faux Christian Nation

The id Post: Our Faux Christian Nation: by Irene Daniel Koch and ALEC policies, rife with exploitation, devoid of social justice in our faux Christian nation. Millions give...

Our Faux Christian Nation

by Irene Daniel

Koch and ALEC policies,
rife with exploitation,
devoid of social justice
in our faux Christian nation.

Millions give they to charity
for a tax-deductible donation;
names forever emblazoned
in our faux Christian nation.

The deck stacked in their favor
and blissful adoration;
theft of land and labor
in our faux Christian nation.

Have-nots now must rely on them
a Pavlovian mutation;
instead of opportunity
in our faux Christian nation

Like dogs at their feet
we grovel for our ration,
just to have enough to eat
in our faux Christian nation.

Ayn Rand, not the real Jesus,
ensures their rich salvation,
wrapped in an American flag
in our faux Christian nation.

And as we pal around with them,
Rotarians and Kochs by invitation,
we make excuses for them
in our faux Christian nation.

We touch the silk and smell the roses,
we like this sweet sensation;
and we become seduced
in our faux Christian nation.

Well maybe they are not so bad
in their machination.
White linen adorns this comfy trap
in our faux Christian nation.

21st century Pharisees,
oh the bloviation;
we worship greed and gold here
in our faux Christian nation.

They'd crucify him all over again
the Nazarene of lowly station.
Would we still hide their messes
in our faux Christian nation?

Or sell perhaps at auction
for portfolio inflation,
of gods of greed and capital
in our faux Christian nation?
How long 'til citizens grow weary
of this constant degradation?
and pick up their feet and voice and vote
in our faux Christian nation?

Or will they just destroy our earth
every province, state and all creation?
For they will die in comfort
in our faux Christian nation

Oh how lamentable,
the lethal lack of preparation;
they are the brick that drags us down
in our faux Christian nation.

One day we will no longer be;
we face our decimation.
What will historians tell
of our faux Christian nation?

                                                                                                                                        Irene Daniel   Copyright 2014   All rights reserved.

Saturday, June 21, 2014

The id Post: Snobby City

The id Post: Snobby City: by Irene Daniel Snobby city, snobby place Christianity in disgrace To hob-knob with the snob 'cause maybe he'll give me a job ...

Snobby City

by Irene Daniel

Snobby city, snobby place
Christianity in disgrace
To hob-knob
with the snob
'cause maybe
he'll give me a job
My skin is brown
so I'm a clown
to those approaching
their sundown
Parades of roses
and up in the air noses
ignorance is bliss
as their day closes
And the snobs proclaim
to be offended
they do not see that
their time has ended
They have no shame
they're not to blame
for woes the snobs created
They cannot see past themselves
lame, lame, lame
"We're all that
and a bag of chips"
their clever empty quips
celebrate their snobbiness
before the balance tips
Jesus and Ayn Rand are one
savior of their snobby sun
that shines especially for them
and soon they'll be undone
And one day soon
they'll all be gone
or in the throes of
their swan song
And beauty will return to us
as soon as we no longer lust
for snobby things
and snobby cities
will all return to dust

                                                                                                   Irene Daniel   Copyright 2014   All rights reserved.

Thursday, June 19, 2014

The id Post: Recovery

The id Post: Recovery: by Irene Daniel A journey with no   destination As I rescue    abandoned pieces    of myself Some I lost    and never sought Other...


by Irene Daniel

A journey with no
As I rescue
   abandoned pieces
   of myself

Some I lost
   and never sought
Others jettisoned
   for immediate survival
   somewhere along the way

Still others
   at the altar
   of success

But all lost

The little girl
   before me
The little girl
   inside me

Her world is
   safe and sweet
   and kind
She teaches me
   to play again

Now it is safe
   to remember
   and recover
   and live

For what abides

                                                                                                                                       Irene Daniel   Copyright 2014   All rights reserved.

Thursday, June 12, 2014

The id Post: What a Time for Political Junkies Like Me!

The id Post: What a Time for Political Junkies Like Me!: by Irene Daniel What happened to Eric Cantor? Is it a sign of things to come? Or does it signal an unpredictable mid-term election? I&#3...

What a Time for Political Junkies Like Me!

by Irene Daniel

What happened to Eric Cantor? Is it a sign of things to come? Or does it signal an unpredictable mid-term election?

I've been soaking up articles, op-eds and TV punditry for a couple of days -- which really is heaven for a political junkie and history buff -- and I tend towards unpredictability at this point. I think we are in for a number of bipartisan surprises, none so shocking as this one, but surprises nonetheless.

What I glean from this is that all of us don't know what we don't know about how pissed off working class Americans are. And, from what I can tell, this is a populist anger and it is aimed mostly at the 1%, who are perceived as the owners and operators of congress because they are.

I doubt that the Democrats can take over the house. Congressional districts are gerrymandered beyond repair, at least until the 2020 election; which will bring with it a demographic tsunami that will change everything. So, the GOP will have to surrender the House then, if they haven't already been swept out of office in 2016. So whatever happens in this election may very well be irrelevant in a couple of years.

But, at the moment, it appears to me that the GOP will maintain control of the House; and the Democrats will maintain control of the Senate. Where's the surprise, you ask? Many pundits don't think the Democrats will hold the Senate, but I don't see Republicans nominating candidates that will hold up well state-wide. This is just my prediction, based upon my research and intuition. I could be wrong.

This is a volatile time in American politics. So much is changing. And whether conservatives like it or not, social attitudes are trending away from the conservative ideology of racism, sexism, xenophobia and the hands-off, small government of noninterference necessary to support their American status quo. Politics is a pendulum that is constantly in motion, and while it is swinging in a progressive breeze right now, it will swing back one day. But not today.

Today, the franchise has been greatly expanded, much to conservative chagrin, to include many more voices previously silenced by the hypocritical morality of the so-called, Christian right. And while conservatives continue to try to disenfranchise progressive voters, slut-shame women and support the status quo of white male heterosexual supremacy, their efforts only make obvious their disdain for anyone unlike them, or unwilling to succumb to their shaming, or unwilling to be bought with their looted cash.

So, I don't know what's going to happen in 2014. It may be the last stand for white supremacy, as all those Cliven Bundy, Tea Party types cling desperately to their unjust enrichment and unearned privilege. Or it could be the opening act for 2016 and the enormous overhaul coming in 2020.

But one thing is for sure. The American Soul is in a state of flux. And with women, Latinos and millennials coming into power, going backwards is not an option.

                                                                                                                            Irene Daniel   Copyright 2014   All rights reserved.

Thursday, June 5, 2014

The id Post: And Then Ike said: LET'S GO!

The id Post: And Then Ike said: LET'S GO!: by Irene Daniel Tomorrow marks the 70th anniversary of the Allied Forces' D-Day invasion of occupied Europe at Normandy. Tuesday was P...

And Then Ike said: LET'S GO!

by Irene Daniel

Tomorrow marks the 70th anniversary of the Allied Forces' D-Day invasion of occupied Europe at Normandy. Tuesday was Primary Election Day here in California. These two dates mark separate events, yet for me, are inseparable facets of the same United States of America.

I love hearing, over and over again, the story of the planning, postponing and on-again, off-again anxiety, of the most historic and successful invasion in modern warfare. Where to land? When to go? What about the weather in the English Channel?

Finally, after a few days in the fog of uncertainty, General Eisenhower had one final meeting with all of his Generals and Commanders. Everybody had their say, and there was, indeed, much to say. After all had spoken, all perspectives acknowledged, and all alternatives and consequences examined, there was a long pause. A room full of powerful men and their egos fell silent.

And then, Ike said, "Let's go."

And the rest, is remarkable history, and certainly a pivotal moment in determining the outcome of WWII. Operation Overlord was a smashing success, and was the beginning of the end of the Third Reich.

I've been thinking about those words, "Let's go." And about Ike and how he led, not only the US, but indeed much of a war-torn Europe and Japan, in rebuilding after victory was won. His post-war Presidency was largely focused upon rebuilding infrastructure, as well as broken alliances and damaged global relationships. And here at home, he presided over a massive extension of our interstate highway system, as well as furthering and promoting our National Park system.

How sad, I think, he would be to see the manner in which we Americans are now tearing down everything he worked so hard to create in post WWII America. A state-of-the-art infrastructure that was the envy of the world, is now so dilapidated that it is killing people. And yet, Congress fiddles away an opportunity to put people to work and build something worthy of our greatness. Where's that "Let's go" attitude of one of our greatest leaders and generals? We need it in our leaders. Today.

On Tuesday, voter turn-out was predictably low, in spite of the fact that there are very important issues facing us; and elections all over this country were bought and sold like cattle at auction. Where's that "Let's go" attitude, that is essential to sustaining our Republic? We need it in our voters. Now.

D-Day didn't just happen. It wasn't pre-ordained by a daddy god so that we could all enjoy cheap and unnecessary trinkets made in China. It was planned and agonized over by seasoned, global military leaders, and trained for by our soldiers and sailors. It took great knowledge and tremendous insight; not to mention extraordinary courage and commitment to this plan, to bring it all about. A lot of things happened before Ike uttered the words, "Let's go!"

And why win a war in defense of liberty if nobody cares enough to vote? The fight then was over living under a dictatorship, or living under a government elected via free and fair elections. We just celebrated Memorial Day with picnics and parades. We have time to barbecue, but not to vote. It seems that we can best honor our veterans by doing what they defended our right to do -- voting.

And then we complain because we don't like whoever is running, or we don't understand why things need to be changed, when we have no one to blame but ourselves. We complain that every candidate is bought and paid for, but refuse to take responsibility when a Supreme Court appointed by somebody that we didn't vote for because we didn't vote at all, makes a decision that affects our daily lives by empowering only the wealthy. We complain and get into fights with our friends on the social media; but we don't vote.

Free and fair elections are not manna from heaven, raining down upon us from a benevolent god. Nor do they materialize out of thin air. It is up to us to suit up and show up and make our voices heard. When Dwight Eisenhower uttered those simple syllables, the stakes could not have been higher. What he was really saying was: Let's go -- save the world!

So maybe we should all be more like Ike.

Let's go -- save our infrastructure!
Let's go -- educate our young!
Let's go -- maintain and enjoy our beloved National Parks!
Let's go -- invest in science and technology!
Let's go -- invest in renewable sources of energy!
Let's go -- ensure that we are, indeed, the land of equality for all!
Let's go -- save the world! Again.

We did it before. We can do it again. We can start by voting. As long as a million votes trumps a million dollars -- and it always will -- then, it's not too late to save our democracy. Again.

Let's go!
                                                                                         Irene Daniel   Copyright 2014   All rights reserved.